It's just poetry, it won't bite

Summer’s Swan Song

12.12.12 Posted in today's words by

Sandy Patton’s poem Gossip Girls appeared here in November 2012.

Summer’s Swan Song
By Sandy Patton

Sultry breath blows hot,
encircles and entices,
implores us to touch her warmth,
surrender to her season of
pleasure. Whispered promises
of paradise draw us closer
to her fier; we yield.

Singed by the smoldering

pull of her heat, certain we

can endure no more,

she wickedly teases with

the briefest of gentle breezes,

a soothing balm playing

upon our flushed skin.

Golden, sunlit days

and star-spangled night skies

mesmerize, make us willing

captives, impatient for her

steamy caresses that leave

us drenched in sticky-sweet

fragrances of summertime.

Her exodus is inevitable,

still we find solace knowing her

seasonal visits will remain as

constant as spring fading to summer.

Wistfully we watch, as she serenely

bids farewell on cooling gusts

of September winds.

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