It's just poetry, it won't bite

The Clouds

01.23.12 Posted in today's words by

Danica Green lives in England. Cloud watching inspires all kinds of writing. Have you ever written a poem about something you saw in the clouds?

The Clouds
By Danica Green

The clouds peel away as I watch,
Layers that open to expose blue souls,
The large chasing the small and merging 
Themselves as one.

A community that lives far above us.
White and grey and black, thin wisps
Like smoke, fat cotton bubbles that
Cloak the eastern sky.
Some bring the rains,
Or snow, trembling storms and
Electric crackles,
While many are content just to sit and be,
Filled up with fresh air and nothingness.

They revel in variety,
Lonely in their portion of the sky,
Dulcet companionship as
Their paths cross and their
Sapphire souls meet seamlessly
In the daylight.

I applaud them,
Send the thoughts of a peaceful mind
Up to dance among them,
Smile unfettered as they pass me by
And the sunlight reaches down
From the shining heart
That all the clouds share.

One Response to “The Clouds”

  1. bobbie troy says:

    I love clouds too!

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