It's just poetry, it won't bite

The Moon, It Beckons

08.31.18 Posted in today's words by

Bruce McRae’s most recent poem to appear here was “Part Article” (June 2013)

The Moon, It Beckons
By Bruce McRae

Someone said the fields were blue
where the moon had gone to ground.
Someone with drink on their breath
said the fields outside of town
were whited over in early frost.
We few went out to hear the stars complain
about their order and their magnitude.
We passed a last cigarette around,
our talk punctuated by laughter,
our breaths like webbing in the moonset.
Someone said something that stopped us dead,
each of us lost in our own thoughts awhile.
Only then we heard the rippling creekwater
and the cry of the high night overhead.

2 Responses to “The Moon, It Beckons”

  1. Hiram Larew says:

    “…webbing in the moonset” wins my vote for one of the best! Keep writing such pieces that are powerful for what they suggest but will never say.


  2. Sandy Soli says:

    One of my favorites seen here. Beautiful sonic element.

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