It's just poetry, it won't bite

The Muse and the Fire

11.02.10 Posted in today's words by

Ryan Quinn Flanagan’s poetry has appeared in Word RiotLeaf GardenZygote in my CoffeeThe New York Quarterly, and The Antigonish Review. His work has also been included in the anthology Lake Effect and he has written a book of poetry called Pigeon Theatre. Awaiting the muse on Halloween is so much more poetic than trick-or-treating. 

The Muse and the Fire
By Ryan Quinn Flanagan

One cat
sits perched in the window
watching the midnight rains.

And the other cat
sits pining 
after a plant
just out of reach.

While I empty another bottle
of Chile’s finest
and wait for the muse
to arrive

with the fire.

4 Responses to “The Muse and the Fire”

  1. Ryan Quinn Flanagan says:

    Thanks Jeanette.

  2. Gracie says:

    I was waiting for this poem to hit the blog. I love this!

  3. Ryan Quinn Flanagan says:

    Thanks Gracie.

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