It's just poetry, it won't bite

The Rock on the Road

01.16.10 Posted in today's words by

Windwalker is, in his own words, a natural kind of person. He won’t
drive a car, preferring to walk or bicycle wherever he goes, molding
the needs of living around these two basic modes of transportation.
Hence, Sharran sees more of the world around him than most people do.
His keen environmental awareness is reflected in much of his poetry.
This philosophy poem reminds us that outlook is a choice and how we
decide makes a difference in how we feel.

The Rock on the Road
By Sharran Windwalker

The road I’ve walked
has not always been smooth,
perhaps no road ever is.

However, if we look
at every moment,
deep within each experience,
as if it were
a rock sticking out of the ground,
smooth or jagged,
depending on
the experience presented
we would understand.

We can walk around the rock,
jump over it or step on it,
or ignore it and stub our toes:
it’s all a matter of choice
in discernment.

2 Responses to “The Rock on the Road”

  1. This is a lovely poem about a lovely, and as far as I’m concerned the only, way to live.
    thanks for sharing it.
    Karen :0)

  2. A very peaceful and succinct poem. I liked it.

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