It's just poetry, it won't bite

The Silence of This House

11.03.11 Posted in words to linger on by

Chris G Vaillancourt’s most recent poem to appear here was At Life’s Doorstep (August 2011).

The Silence of This House
By Chris G Vaillancourt
The silence of this house
speaks volumes about the people
who used to live here.
I contain the fragment
of their memory.
They speak to me,
only I hear them.
Only I respond.
They remind me of the hello
and goodbye of life.
The coming and the going of
the real world.
Better here, in this imagination
where voices still speak and argue.
Where embraces are still exchanged and felt.

They are all gone now, these people.
These people allied through
common ancestry.
Children now adults.
Adults now children.
Not living in one voice.
Not loving in common bond.

Still I hear them.
Walking footsteps
crafting images
for my decapitated heart.

3 Responses to “The Silence of This House”

  1. bobbie troy says:

    Very powerful imagery. Love the last four lines.

  2. Powerful piece and I loved…
    Still I hear them.
    Walking footsteps
    crafting images
    for my decapitated heart.

  3. Sari says:

    I loved this poem. Thank you for posting it. I enjoyed reading it, the visuals in it and seeing a personal story in it.
    Lovely! Lovely! Lovely!
    Thank you.

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