It's just poetry, it won't bite

The Unmade Bed

05.19.11 Posted in today's words by

Corey Anne Hemmerich is a freelance writer, a pastor’s wife, and a mother to three young children. After carving out time for writing, she spends her days doing any number of messy momma things, such as teaching a 14-month-old baby how to paint with acrylics or coaching a 3- and 5-year-old to make their own homemade bread without momma’s hands. Between her and her husband, the household owns something in the neighborhood of 1900 grown-up books and an uncounted number of children’s titles. Visit her blog.

The Unmade Bed
By Corey Anne Hemmerich

Oh, to sit and to be!
to be free
with a breath of wind on my cheek
a baby at the breast, then on my shoulder
here I have enough
while I rock in this chair
and look over the unfolded laundry
the haphazard
the unmade bed, whose sheets
really should be changed
there, some cracker crumbs and pine needles
on the floor
near the unplugged vacuum.
and I smile into a deep breath
and am free.

3 Responses to “The Unmade Bed”

  1. A fine example of letting go.

  2. bobbie troy says:


  3. Thank you for delivering me back over 26 years to my own sweet memories of my sons as infants. Time rapidly moves forward, to stop and take a deep breath, smile and remember is harmonious for the soul.

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