It's just poetry, it won't bite

Two by Bobbie Troy

08.24.12 Posted in today's words by

Bobbie Troy’s most recent poem to appear here was This is not how i thought it would be, published as part of Contributor Series 11: On Birthdays.

Two by Bobbie Troy
By Bobbie Troy


there are no answers
only people who think
they have answers

The greatest lesson

i long to understand
the precious filaments
of the firmament
and how they affect me
this speck of nothingness
on a lone planet
but the greatest lesson
i have learned 
is not to look up
or outward
but only inward
finding that i am one
of the precious filaments

5 Responses to “Two by Bobbie Troy”

  1. Bobbie Troy has again written a beautiful and poignant poem, filled with truisms…

  2. Jeanette Gallagher says:

    Oh what a wise and wonderful poem! It touched me in all it’s honesty and truth. Thanks, Bobbie.

  3. Sol Troy says:

    These are for real!

  4. Pat Lovenhart says:


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