It's just poetry, it won't bite


07.20.10 Posted in today's words by

Michael Richmond is a 25-year-old sailor. He hails from Dallas, but has been stationed in Norfolk VA for the past 5 years. He has written all his life but got into writing poetry a few years ago. Michael is currently working on two different books of haiku, the themes of which are not primarily nature related. Today Michael gives us a poem that is nature related but not haiku. Metaphors abound in poetry about nature, and the beauty of this poem is that its simplicity lends itself to varied interpretations. Look for more of Michael’s poetry in the future.

By Michael Richmond

A little green frog,
sitting on a log,
in a muddy bog,
in a thick fog.

Then that little green frog,
breathed in some smog,
and that little green frog,
died right there on that log.

2 Responses to “untitled”

  1. HaHa, I love it! (I live in VA Beach).

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