It's just poetry, it won't bite


05.07.13 Posted in today's words by

Keith D’Sa is 19 years old. He lives and writes in Mumbai and he studies at St Xavier’s College. He is a poet, a skeptic, an agnostic with a self-diagnosed mild case of OCD. Keith spends his days thinking, creating, and looking at pictures of dogs. Visit his blog.


By Keith D’Sa

Lost, hopelessly,
in your eyes.
In your smile I drown
a world of pain
and time itself.

The first rose of spring; your lips,
they speak a language of their own
and to your silence’s melody
I dance til dusk.
Throughout the night
I notice that the stars shine brighter
when you laugh.

The touch of your fingers
a moment shared
leaves me panting,
begging for more.
The falling snowflakes are allowed
to burn me in your absence.

If only love could be undone.

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