It's just poetry, it won't bite


05.06.13 Posted in today's words by

Anthony Ward’s most recent poem to appear here was Eve’s Tears (February 2013).


By Anthony Ward

I observe the brave competitors take to the green,
Watching them collide with precision–
As if inanimate.

Though they are not robots;
Robots would never make mistakes.
Whereas they often do.
Well, not often, but they do.

Yet is it not that which draws us?
To observe the doubt
That makes us human?

Clearly they should never miss,
They should play those shots indefinitely.

But if they never missed,
Wouldn’t we become bored by it all?

Isn’t it this doubt we’re watching for?
To see them miss the ball–
Even when we doubt it?

One Response to “Doubt”

  1. Oh, but, the mystery of the game.

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