It's just poetry, it won't bite


11.09.16 Posted in today's words by

Worthy Evans’ most recent poem to appear here was “Endodonty” (April 2015) 


A promise of
a visit led
me inward
to thoughts of
a moccasin

Hard rains
swept through
the northeast
and that was
just fine
because even
Laura said
we needed
a good soaking

Also inside
were lawn chairs
and cups of coffee
We could even
hear trucks moaning
on the highway
beyond the mountains

The thunderstorm
moved in
turned over trees
raised the dead
from floating caskets

People hid in
their houses
fell from
porches at least
they did when
rolled into the waves
on the street
flapping a dead moccasin
from his
rolled down window

I looked at Laura
if she could brew
another pot

One Response to “Viper”

  1. Ella says:

    This is absolutely beautiful work

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