It's just poetry, it won't bite

Wishing Well

12.26.13 Posted in today's words by

KC Bosch’s most recent poem to appear here was Last Load Out of Leesburg: April 17 (July 2103).

Wishing Well
By KC Bosch

I don’t understand
beautiful hospital decor.
Is it supposed to make
you want to hang around?
Come visit more often?
I wouldn’t be caught dead
in a place that didn’t have
a round glass lobby!

Keeping someone alive
when their body has quit
is like driving off the edge
of an icy road.
You know you can’t make it
back up the hill and only
hope for a painless landing.

Staring off a second-floor balcony
overlooking a splashing fountain
I notice that the well is full of coins.
Tokens tossed for a wish or blessing.

Waiting for a doctor, any doctor to
confirm what I already know:
A mind too alive to give up,
trapped in a body that has already quit.

Without even thinking
I fish a coin from my pocket
and sail it into the water below.
It sinks in that
I don’t even know what
I am wishing for.


3 Responses to “Wishing Well”

  1. How sadly true, KC. Poignant words.

  2. Jeanette Gallagher says:

    I love this fantastic poem! Having recently been in the hospital I can easily relate. Thank goodness I had no desire to give up but can see where it could happen. Then ending is great! Great poem!

  3. KC, you have described what my husband and I have gone through recently, with beautiful sentiment. It’s as though you were with us.

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