It's just poetry, it won't bite


08.20.10 Posted in today's words by

Sara Endo’s most recent poem was a reader favorite, The explosion (twenty months). Today she gives us another look at life with young children, and once again she does it with style.

By Sarah Endo

Yes, you can
jump on the bed, be loud and silly
chant, “more bok-bok, more bok-bok”
while eating your chicken
And I’ll laugh and joke back
“But you already have bok-bok”

Yes, you can
spill everything from my wallet
bring Tiger and Green Bear
to the library, and
what the heck,
bring Panda too

Yes, you can
have a chunk of
cheddar cheese
in the middle of the night
(How can you sleep
if you’re hungry?)

Yes, you can
use that cool new straw
to blow bubbles in your cup
(just as long as you remember
“it’s not polite”)

Yes, let’s play
ring around the rosy
a hundred times, and hopscotch
while we wait for the 77 bus
Let’s look up and joke
with the clouds
and the moon, too

4 Responses to “Yes”

  1. bobbie troy says:

    Wow, this brings back memories of when my son was little. Nice slice of life.

  2. Liz says:

    This is lovely and such a good reminder of saying “Yes” to children and how important that can be. I focus too much on “No”. Thank you for the poetic, lyrical reminder.

  3. Gracie says:

    This is such a beautiful poem. It illustrates the type of love and patience that every mother strives for.

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