It's just poetry, it won't bite

Yesterday’s Wind

02.03.14 Posted in today's words by

RD McManes wrote this poem.

Yesterday’s Wind
By RD McManes

there is a point
where the mind ends
as the darkness closes in
and the thoughts vanish inside
the eyes burn crimson bright
clarity leaves
a sky bound rocket
on one last flight

i’ll leave this world
where my words flowed
down past the creek’s final bend
where my thoughts
can no longer go
silence becomes
my constant friend
and i watch
while i slowly shuffle
to the place
where everything ends

my life, a reflection
now glides away
and memories
whisper soft
like yesterday’s
evening wind


2 Responses to “Yesterday’s Wind”

  1. Many of us will feel this was written about them. Nice job.

  2. Jeanette Gallagher says:

    Yesterdays Wind tells it like it is! Not just for some, but for everyone. I can easily relate now that I’m one of the ‘elderly’ and nearing the end. Still there’s hope for joy that can also come like yesterdays wind…

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