It's just poetry, it won't bite

Young Poets

08.12.14 Posted in today's words by

JD DeHart’s poem Michael Chabon appeared here in July 2014.

Young Poets
By JD DeHart

See the young poets, cluster stanza to stanza
They kiss while taking notes about it

You can see him: It is ecstatic, fires up his engines
He is about to write an epic love poem
About her saliva

You can see her: The look of disappointment, polite
Smile, but her poem will not be so polite
He used too much tongue
Just ate beef jerky, always a bad idea

Beef jerky is like garlic, best relegated to the early
Hours of a lonesome weekend, or to the celibate
Nuns should eat beef jerky


One Response to “Young Poets”

  1. Kay Middleton says:

    This is both poignant and delightful. It made me feel wise but not old. Thank you!

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