It's just poetry, it won't bite

A Timeless Thought

02.13.12 Posted in today's words by

William C Ross’ most recent poem to appear here was Moonrise Over Tucson (April 26, 2001) (September 2011). When I read this I resolve to throw the clock out the window and live at my own pace. Who’s with me? 

A Timeless Thought
By William C Ross

It is the ultimate waste of time
to be concerned about wasting time
since time does not exist.

That time you thought you had on your hands–
can you see, hear, smell, feel or taste it?
How then, waste it?

Time is merely a man-made measurer of nothing
known to that singing bird, or ruminating cow,
or those rocks in the field, for that matter.

The serious voice on the radio
announces an important number o’clock
and tells us not to be late. For what?

The sun rose without a shadowing dial
and will set the same, just in a different sky.
Classes conclude absent the bell.

The tyranny of clocks and watches
could be overthrown in a trice–
if you insist on giving that speck a name.

The revolution was a long time coming,
some might say, catching themselves too late.
Think about it when you have the … 
occasion to do so.

4 Responses to “A Timeless Thought”

  1. sari says:

    Lovely poem, thanks for posting it.
    It has a good flow and offers a good read. It feels like real poetry whatever that means to us.

  2. This poem is worthy of our time. 🙂

  3. bobbie troy says:

    Clever and fun!

  4. Jean says:

    Beautifully written–and CLEVER, particularly the last two lines!

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