It's just poetry, it won't bite

At Life’s Doorstep

08.06.11 Posted in today's words by

Chris G Vaillancourt’s most recent poem to appear here was Fibreglass Boats and Lemonade Stands (June 2011). Look for announcements about his new poetry collection forthcoming from unbound CONTENT … 

At Life’s Doorstep
By Chris G Vaillancourt

It lifts me.
Defines me.
Don’t want to die.
Yet every molecule is decaying.
Every brain cell is fractured.
The world ends. I cannot save it.
The world calls. I cannot hear it.
Endless confusion. Endless tension.
Screaming. No one acknowledges me.
Confused, confusing, rambling.
When I wake up in the morning
I’m still smelling the wood of my coffin.

3 Responses to “At Life’s Doorstep”

  1. This brought me to tears. Good job.

  2. bobbie troy says:

    Yikes and double yikes.

  3. Sari says:

    Touching and sad and very real.
    Said so clearly for so many unable to say it.
    Thanks again – for the gentle energy of poetry.

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