It's just poetry, it won't bite

My Cat

08.07.11 Posted in today's words by

Maureen Donatelli’s most recent poem to appear here was Through Me, published as part of Contributor Series 9: If Men Had Ears. Today’s poem is so visual it’s impossible not to see Shi Shi, conqueror of the window sill, as she inspired our writer.

My Cat
By Maureen Donatelli

Shi Shi has assumed her evening throne
long curled in sinuous sleep

in the deep window well,
glass cool and empty of light.

Her black shapes disappear
as she sleeps, vanish seamless

into moonless vacancy.
Her paws, cupped genteel,

cradle shadows, quiescent,
while the tip of her tail flicks

its occasional language
of nubby black impatience

against her white markings, shimmery
like dreams, or stars nebulous, swirling, alive.

I envy her ease, how she moves
without any movement at all, lithe

as mirage, as evening stillness,
as cool water swirling in a well.

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