It's just poetry, it won't bite

Bees in the Cherry Trees

05.30.19 Posted in today's words by

Nancy Scott McBride’s most recent poem to appear here was “The Tambourine” (April 2019).

Bees in the Cherry Trees
By Nancy Scott McBride

As soon as the blossoms are fully open,
the bees come to gather the precious pollen.
They’re all business, the bees,
working the trees from dawn to dusk
until the petals fade and fall.
Time was, when my ears worked better,
I could hear the buzzing from the back porch,
ten or fifteen feet away.
Now I wait for traffic noise to slow on the road,
then walk out, stand under the nearest tree
and let the sound envelope and invade me,
not so much hearing as feeling it.
It comes inside and takes me over, the
ecstasy of creatures doing the one single
thing they were born to do, and in this
way I become a part of it, the ritual,
the singing and the song,
the humming and the honey.

4 Responses to “Bees in the Cherry Trees”

  1. I can see you there; under that tree. Smell the blooms and hear the bees.

  2. Charlene james says:

    What a delight , alas even though we must make compensation

  3. Ed Zahniser says:

    Just had to share this with my bee-keeping friends near Cooperstown, NY. Bees need protection from pesticide spraying. “It ain’t just about the honey!” This time of year, when I mow the lawn, I leave a big patch of clover blossoms uncut. Please don’t tell my HOA! ez

  4. bobbietroy says:

    Great image.

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