It's just poetry, it won't bite

Smart Dumb

05.31.19 Posted in today's words by

Hiram Larew’s most recent poem to appear here was “So What” (March 2019).

Smart Dumb
By Hiram Larew

She was born inside out
the size of a heavy orange.
And the story goes that she was wobbly from the very start.
Even as a little girl
She was so smart and so damn dumb together—
That’s the way sometimes.

Well, dead solved the problem.
The full story isn’t important
but what is is that at about nineteen or so
she fell jaw drop in love
with someone who just wouldn’t, couldn’t and didn’t.
Someone, like too close to a fire—
Yes, those kind of eyes.

And the thing was there was no warning her at all.
Not any.

The rumors were rich enough to live on.

But here’s the thing really—
She ended up like a tree toppled over
with roots up in the air.
Hers was a big sideways life that just never really started.
And of course, she’s gone now but wholly famous.

That’s what starting out with too many wants
will do in an all or nothing sort of way.
The lingery question is this—
Is it truly best to leave nature alone
or invite it in for dinner?

One Response to “Smart Dumb”

  1. Ed Zahniser says:

    Wow, dynamite poem in tone and presentation — and made-up words, too — “the lingery question is . . .”

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