It's just poetry, it won't bite

Spring, After the Drought

09.21.12 Posted in audio, today's words by

Christine Nichols is a new poet from Stillwater OK. Her work has been published in Shadows Express and Camel Saloon. Visit her blog. Spring, After the DroughtBy Christine Nichols It’s hard to have faithafter the drought,but he plants. His cracked hands curvein a holy water clutch.They shelter cherished heirlooms,tiny teardrop seeds. He leads them to the musky soilkneels deep in […]

On Fire

02.16.12 Posted in audio, today's words by

Omar Azam’s most recent poem to appear here was Bask in Your Lap (January 2012). On Fire By Omar Azam Let us go then, you and I …  … other places. I do thingsthat hurt everyone the most. I am devout.I sininto phasesof monotone. I want her toknow metouch me though the same desirereciprocateddeems us unhumble– One […]

Bask in Your Lap

01.05.12 Posted in audio, today's words by

Omar Azam’s most recent poem to appear here was compact discontents, published as part of Contributor Series 9: If Men Had Ears in June 2011.  Bask in Your Lap By Omar Azam Bask in your lapSo weak so happy so vulnerable Bask in your lapDrink the silk of your skin the milk of your hair. . […]

Evolution of Music

10.28.11 Posted in audio, today's words by

Mark Gooch’s most recent poem to appear here was Farewell (October 2011). Evolution of MusicBy Mark Gooch Emotion released on a tapestry Through colors rich in tones Chaining of notes as Instruments display their souls Minstrels of lost love, hero’s deeds, And lust for gold. Royalty of ages Mankind’s chosen few King of Rock and Roll And […]

Vantage Point

08.03.11 Posted in audio, today's words by

John Sibley Williams is a poet and book publicist residing in Portland OR. He has earned an MA in writing and currently studies book publishing at Portland State University where he serves as acquisitions manager of Ooligan Press and publicist for Three Muses Press. His poetry was nominated for the 2009 Pushcart Prize and his […]

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