It's just poetry, it won't bite

An Unfortunate Misspelling

10.14.09 Posted in Birthdays, today's words, Writers on writing by

Brad Nelson is a former backyard samurai and blue jeans Zen master who spends most of his time now on the back porch with his pipe and a cup of coffee. He retired his sword and took up the pen after serving five years as an interrogator in the US Army. Brad is also a […]

Happy Birthday Shel Silverstein!

09.26.09 Posted in Birthdays, today's words by

It’s September 25, and you know what that means: Happy Birthday Shel Silverstein! Alright, so, who was Shel? Sure, he was quirky, with his signature bald head and iconic beard. Sure, he wrote The Giving Tree and A Light in the Attic. But did you know his writing and art appeared in Playboy? Did you […]

Happy Birthday Oliver Wendell Holmes!

08.30.09 Posted in Birthdays, today's words, Writers on writing by

Born on August 29, 1809, Oliver Wendell Holmes epitomized duality. He was an influential physician and a well-regarded poet. A medical reformer, he was one of the first to identify puerperal fever as a communicable disease. He also spoke out against astrology and homeopathy as not being sciences. Perhaps as a bridge between his two […]

Happy Birthday Bret Harte!

08.26.09 Posted in Birthdays, today's words by

Bret Harte was born on August 25, 1836. His poetry and short stories made him an icon of the American West, although he did work as a diplomat and spent the last 24 years of his life in Europe, where he died at the age of 64 of throat cancer. This poem reads beautifully! The […]

Happy Birthday Robert Herrick!

08.25.09 Posted in Birthdays, today's words by

The official birthday of Robert Herrick is unknown, but August 24, 1591, was the day he was baptized, so it signifies his arrival and gives us an excuse to celebrate! Herrick was a sometime cleric who remained unmarried all his life. It has been conjectured that his father committed suicide before infant Robert turned two. […]

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