It's just poetry, it won't bite


07.25.13 Posted in words to linger on by

Kyle Newman’s poem The Price appeared here in June 2013. ScheherazadeBy Kyle Newman When I was a young man with my face unshaven and smoke on my breath,I drank alone, gazing into space, rubbing my temples. You spokethrough the book on tape playing from the stereo in the kitchen, and whenyou paused at a tense moment in […]


07.22.13 Posted in words to linger on by

Jean McLeod’s most recent poem to appear here was Prodigal (June 2013). ReformationBy Jean McLeod In proto-dawnwhen birds trill like mad thingsi am stalked by the cavernousabsence of belief.It eludes in dark rooms and light,surges through my hollow headI scrabble at faith with bleeding fingershunger for the rebirth of wonder.Deafened by steeple bells silencedwhere once saints chanted,I […]

Longest Light

07.18.13 Posted in words to linger on by

Lynn Ciesielski’s poem Longest Light appeared here in June (2013). Sunday Ride at DuskBy Lynn Ciesielski With hopes of viewing short-eared owls,we drive to Iroquois Preserve.You see a bin tumbling from a truck onto the road.We swerve to miss it but our words collide instead.I want to pick the radio station, though yours just playedmy favorite song.Our […]

Sunday Ride at Dusk

07.18.13 Posted in words to linger on by

Lynn Ciesielski’s poem Longest Light appeared here in June (2013). Sunday Ride at DuskBy Lynn Ciesielski With hopes of viewing short-eared owls,we drive to Iroquois Preserve.You see a bin tumbling from a truck onto the road.We swerve to miss it but our words collide instead.I want to pick the radio station, though yours just playedmy favorite song.Our […]

The Librarian

07.15.13 Posted in words to linger on by

Erren Geraud Kelly’s most recent poem to appear here was Bicycle Days (June 2013). The LibrarianBy Erren Geraud Kelly I want to tell herI don’t read as much as I once didBut I haven’t fallen out of love with   booksI’m just taking a break from themI often find stories inOther placesLike movies and music cds.Or inside the […]

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