It's just poetry, it won't bite

Chanukah With the Maccabees

12.20.12 Posted in today's words by

Sandra Forte-Nickenig’s most recent poem to appear here was Deferred Dreams (August 2012).

Chanukah With the Maccabees
By Sandra Forte-Nickenig

Before the internet and
cholesterol, mama 
was in charge.

She’d light another candle
to celebrate the one night
vial of oil that burned for eight.

While latkes* sizzled
bearded Maccabees danced
arm in arm in the kitchen.

I invited them for brisket,
latkes and donuts
they were astonished

gas cost 60 shekels** a gallon
shook their heads in
amazement there was enough

oil in our pantry
to light a menorah at Masada
with at least 36 candles.

* latkes = potato pancakes
** Israeli shekels = about $0.15 today

5 Responses to “Chanukah With the Maccabees”

  1. Jean says:

    Sandra, what a spirited description of the past, of tradition, mixed liberally with gentle, respectful humor. You paint a full-blown snapshot to be treasured through the years. Thank you for this perfect poem!

  2. I love the old traditions that have carried families through eternity. But, most of all I love the “nice” memories families share.

  3. Kay Middleton says:

    This is poignantly personal and historical. I want to read it to my grandchildren and help them understand. I want to shake the rest of the world until everyone understands. Then I want to sit in peace around a table with friends and eat donuts!

  4. Jeanette Gallagher says:

    The first three lines grabbed me and I went to the party! I danced with the Maccabees and ate latkes! I love the tone and the good feelings I had about Chanakah – and I learned about a holiday I hadn’t understood. Thanks for sharing, Sandy.

  5. Jeanette Gallagher says:

    The first three lines of this wonderful poem grabbed me and the poem took off! I could smell the latkes and see the candles. And I wanted to join the Maccabees in their dance. Loved it, Sandy! Thanks for sharing this delight.

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