It's just poetry, it won't bite

To a Mother Who Has Lost a Son (or Daughter)

12.19.12 Posted in today's words by

Frank Cavano’s most recent poem to appear here was A Singular Identity (November 2012).

To a Mother Who Has Lost a Son
(or Daughter)
By Frank Cavano

There, where the rose grows without
the thorn and bones do not bind the
Love that loves to soar—–and to
love, it is there you will find him.
In that Time which is not timed will
you see him again. And he will catch
the breeze with the fingers of his
hand and hand it to your hand and
he will smile. And you will smile.

Then, each glance will live forever.
No longer will you grieve a way
back when. And all will live on the
Breath of God that flows between
two red perfect Roses.
There and Then.

4 Responses to “To a Mother Who Has Lost a Son (or Daughter)”

  1. Jean says:

    Thank you so much for this poem,Frank. My God bless you.

  2. Annmarie, I am so touched by this beautiful poem that has come on a day and during a season which is always so difficult for me-even more so this season, as I grieve with the families of all of those precious Sandy Hook children. I am not writing this to be published as an open comment on the web, but, writing it hoping you will send it to Frank Cavano as a token of my appreciation for this GIFT. It has been forty two years since I lost my precious, only son. I went back to Med School after a divorce and took him with me. He was shot shortly after I completed my training and entered practice. Oh, how this has lifted my spirit! I shall copy it, share it with other friends who have lost a child and read it many times as I don a painted smile and make it through the holidays.

  3. Jeanette Gallagher says:

    This is so current and so well written I believe any mother would find it consoling in time. Reminds me of the children at the school in Connecticut and fills me with heartache for their families. It is a beautiful poem.

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