It's just poetry, it won't bite

Contributor Series 2: Candy and Spirits, Greedy Ghouls

11.02.09 Posted in Contributor Series 2, today's words by

Contributor Series 2: Candy and Spirits
Greedy Ghouls

By Karen Schindler

Don’t open the door
Don’t answer the phone
Pretend all together
That no one is home
Evil does stalk
The sidewalk tonight
Amongst tiny beggars
Sweets their delight
They come one by one
Or all in a rush
They ring the doorbell
And wait in a hush
You offer them treats
Hold bated breath in fright
And plead with the gods
No demons tonight

Karen Schindler’s poetry (Seeds, Nature’s Parade, undiscovered, and Coming Home) has appeared at vox poetica in 2009.

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