It's just poetry, it won't bite

Contributor Series 3: Resolution and Resolve, Poems and Bills

01.12.10 Posted in Contributor Series 3, today's words by

have you gotten right with your resolutions yet, readers? Just in case
you haven’t, and even if you have, we close the series tonight with a
poem to help you prioritize. Here’s to a productive and creative 2010!

Contributor Series 3: Resolution and Resolve
Poems and Bills
By Clay Carpenter

Bills and poems,
poems and bills
A handful of hope
and a handful of mope

Bills and poems,
poems and bills
Send two in the mail
Receive three without fail

Bills and poems,
poems and bills
It’s a hard life, brother
Guess I’ll go write another

Clay Carpenter’s poem Strawberry (a vox poetica Pushcart Prize nominee) was published at vox poetica in 2009.

2 Responses to “Contributor Series 3: Resolution and Resolve, Poems and Bills”

  1. Sarah says:

    Love it — write another, brother!

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