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Contributor Series 4: Aspects of the Elephant, Jenna

02.28.10 Posted in Contributor Series 4, today's words by

Contributor Series 4: Aspects of the Elephant
By John Sherer

Her face is gone

She is pulchritude
Short, slender, light
Short hair, wide eyes

Her face is gone

I once knew it
I once did not know her

Here I sit
As I try to recall
And all that comes
Is who she is

Who she is
Is not a face
She is inside
The gone, embraced

John Sherer’s poems Veer and Incandescence have appeared at vox poetica in 2009.

One Response to “Contributor Series 4: Aspects of the Elephant, Jenna”

  1. Sometimes it’s hard to remember the face. But if you can hold on to the memories, it’s okay.

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