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Contributor Series 7: The Confessional Diary of Bone, Old Bones

12.22.10 Posted in Contributor Series 7, today's words by

Contributor Series 7: The Confessional Diary of Bone
Old Bones
By Bobbie Troy

dying crops
in brown fields
dried bones of old age

Bobbie’s most recent poem to appear at vox poetica was Surviving Auschwitz, published in November.

6 Responses to “Contributor Series 7: The Confessional Diary of Bone, Old Bones”

  1. Short and clever. Loved it.

  2. Judi says:

    Again, Bobbie shows how much can be seen with so few words. Driving past a brown field will be different now, I think.

  3. bobbie troy says:

    Thank you!

  4. Intense and emotional. Good work!

  5. Bobbie, where can I find some of your flash and fairy tales?

  6. Lynn Arroyo says:

    Excellent as usual!

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