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Contributor Series 8: Feast and Famine, A wing and a prayer

03.18.11 Posted in Contributor Series 8, today's words by

Contributor Series 8: Feast and Famine
A wing and a prayer
By Ivan Jenson

it is finally explained
why certain things
just had to happen
and the reasoning
and the plan
and the purpose to the maze
amazed you listen at last
God, like Agatha Christie,
spills out the spoiler
and now you know
who done it
who brought you here
who took you out
there is now
an answer to
each question
but you find
gravitating to
heaven’s buffet instead
the fried angel wings
are delicious

Ivan Jenson’s poem Note to Self was 6th runner-up in the First Ever vox poetica Poetry Contest in January 2011.

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