It's just poetry, it won't bite

Contributor Series 8: Feast and Famine, Chewing Fruit and Legumes

04.10.11 Posted in Contributor Series 8, today's words by

The series ends with this. And is there a better way to end a series on food? I didn’t think so.Contributor Series 8: Feast and Famine Chewing Fruit and Legumes By Julie Ellinger Hunt     You made garbanzo beans and figs and hired a cherub to fly above,  flap her wings, and make perfect shadow dances […]

Contributor Series 8: Feast and Famine, Small Miracles

04.10.11 Posted in Contributor Series 8, words to linger on by

Contributor Series 8: Feast and Famine Small Miracles By Joseph Harker In our private mythology, they are a far-off tribe, the great-aunts and -uncles, the second cousins and relations whose status is still unknown. Once upon a time, they were snowbirds who traded winter in their joints for alligator country. For fountains lined with moss, […]

Contributor Series 8: Feast and Famine, First Fruit

04.10.11 Posted in Contributor Series 8, today's words by

Contributor Series 8: Feast and Famine First Fruit By Stan Galloway What did it look like, that first fruit? Pleasantness took on the concrete form of an apple like shook foil. What did it feel like, that first fruit? Tactile, its peel sent a warm wash waxing inside of a steel trap. What did it […]

Contributor Series 8: Feast and Famine, Mother’s Pastry

04.09.11 Posted in Contributor Series 8, today's words by

Contributor Series 8: Feast and Famine Mother’s Pastry By Jeanette Gallagher Mother’s pastry was a work of art Painted with the gentle touch of a master Fingers taking flight across the dough A pianist who shaped the chords While she conducted a symphony Led without the need for words The harmony of a symbiotic relationship […]

Contributor Series 8: Feast and Famine, The Secret Food Group

04.08.11 Posted in audio, Contributor Series 8, today's words by

Contributor Series 8: Feast and Famine The Secret Food Group By Mark Gooch Neither vegetable Nor fruit Not born from nature No fertilizer to fear Never spoils Stays fresh for 50 years Deep fried Frozen on a stick Breakfast with coffee Dessert with ice cream No okra or yams Can be that extreme Golden sponge […]

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