It's just poetry, it won't bite

Contributor Series 9: If Men Had Ears, La Mia Musa

07.15.11 Posted in Contributor Series 9, today's words by

Contributor Series 9: If Men Had Ears
La Mia Musa
By Clarissa McFairy

Imagination is my magic carpet,
my muse, my wings

It lifts me so I can touch the stars
and cradles me in the deep
of the deepest ocean

If my heart is the drum
my imagination is the beat

If my lungs are the harp,
my imagination is the twang
It strums my every breath,

sigh, smile and glistening tear;
it is the singer and the song,

my music and my maestro;
it calls the tune and the tempo:
glissando, capriciosso, furioso

It is the dolcissimo in a kiss 
and desire’s double bassoon

But on il balcone di amore,
it is a troubadour
singing to a mandolin moon

Clarissa McFairy’s most recent poem to appear here was Emotional Scones, published as part of Contributor Series 8: Feast and Famine.

3 Responses to “Contributor Series 9: If Men Had Ears, La Mia Musa”

  1. I swayed with a light heart to every word.

  2. David Calthorpe says:

    Bellisimo…I loved this …!especially the last verse ,which is a superb exit !It is always so very difficult to finish a poem leaving the reader still enchanted ……this did just that ….!

  3. Sarah says:

    Beautiful! I love the delight in language and the music of this poem.

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