It's just poetry, it won't bite

Dear Diane (Letter 2)

10.02.11 Posted in today's words by

Bobbie Troy’s most recent poem to appear here was A Shadow of Myself, written for Murray Dunlap. This poem returns us to Dear Diane, for which Bobbie Troy received a Pushcart Prize nomination. 

Dear Diane (Letter 2)
By Bobbie Troy

you gave me a rose
in that hour
remembering old times,
old thoughts, 
old feelings

what are the images?
or are there any
for friendship and love?

too many incomplete thoughts
incomplete metaphors
i’ve forgotten my lines

oh, yes
you gave me a rose
in that hour

6 Responses to “Dear Diane (Letter 2)”

  1. i’ve forgotten my lines
    But, you remembered your friend. Beautiful.

  2. Sol says:

    I know both individuals and can therefore appreciate the words.

  3. Lynn Arroyo says:

    It’s obvious from comments that you knew Diane, but I can substitute the name of someone who was dear to me, and the words will resonate on a personal level. Beautiful poem.

  4. Bobbie,
    Bobbie, Once again the gentle nostalgic voice, it always does me a world of good to read your poetry. “Incomplete metaphors/incomplete thoughts” are what flutters in our heads day after day, you are fortunate to know how to put them into words.

  5. bobbie troy says:

    Thank you, everyone, to take the time to comment. I like to think I write for myself, but getting feedback is wonderful because I know I touched someone.

  6. Sol B Troy says:

    You’ve done it again as usual

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