It's just poetry, it won't bite

Dear Diane (Letter 3)

10.15.13 Posted in today's words by

Another in the series of Bobbie Troy’s Dear Diane poems.

Dear Diane (Letter 3)
By Bobbie Troy

geography separates us
you in the wild west
dodging bullets and lost souls
me in the east
near the nation’s corrupt capital

and both of us
trying to find our way
like everyone else
but being luckier than most
by having a lifeline and a lifetime
of friendship
to hold onto


4 Responses to “Dear Diane (Letter 3)”

  1. Jean says:

    Bobbie, I LOVE this. So much.

  2. There is so much here for the mind to see. I hope you will always be able to interact.

  3. Dianne Deloren says:

    What a lucky friend she is to have a friend like you!

  4. Bobbie Troy says:

    Thanks, Jean and Jeanette!!

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