It's just poetry, it won't bite

Fleeting Soul

01.15.14 Posted in today's words by

Bobbie Troy’s most recent poem to appear here was The Inconsequence of Self (December 2013).

Fleeting Soul
By Bobbie Troy

The separation of spirit from matter was a mystery,
and the union of spirit with matter was a mystery also.

…………………………–Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

I often wonder
where my soul
goes at night
for it is at night
that I seek its comfort,
its mystery,
and its salvation

from an ordinary life.


7 Responses to “Fleeting Soul”

  1. oh, I like the way the words roll out –and then the pause– and then the clincher. like dough being flattened and then the rise. nicely done.

  2. Great question. Your life is never ordinary, Bobbie.
    Neither are your poems.

  3. Judi says:

    Wow. That really resonates with me. I can’t believe you haven’t done this your whole life.

  4. […] “Fleeting Soul” by Bobbie Troy, because it’s just poetry and it won’t bite. 🙂 […]

  5. Joanne says:

    I like this, particularly how it turns at the end.

  6. Lois Powell says:

    Hi Bobbie,
    I enjoyed this poem because it carries such meaning.

  7. jd young says:

    Bobbie – I particularly like this – as I also like Oscar Wilde. You are always enlightening.


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