It's just poetry, it won't bite


02.10.11 Posted in today's words by

Amber Booth asks some eternal questions here. And the answers she offers are just a small sampling of the many possibilities.

By Amber Booth

What sound does a heart make
when it breaks?

The cry of ice too thin,
beneath a misstep?

The splitting of wood,
as a lone tree falls?

Is it the thunder that follows
blue lightning after it fades?

Or the cry of a single wolf
to the harvest moon?

Does it echo like soft, sad patter
of raindrops falling through the trees?

Or is it the empty silence 
of a single tear?

5 Responses to “Heartbreak”

  1. clarissa mcfairy says:

    Amber, this is simply beautiful. I love every line and believe that a breaking heart can make all these sounds, but o, the last ….

  2. Kay Middleton says:


  3. Bobbie Troy says:

    Lovely poem. The last two lines are my favorite.

  4. Bobbie Troy says:

    Lovely poem. The last two lines are my favorite.

  5. Jeanette Gallagher says:

    Beautiful poignant poem. Ah, the sounds the breaking makes … for me it is the last.

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