It's just poetry, it won't bite

Honoring Bob Christin: The Words and The Music

03.28.13 Posted in today's words by

It is with great sadness that I relate the news that Bob Christin has passed from this realm into the next. Bob was the founder and long-time leader of The Albright Poets, a Virginia-based writing group whose members have been kind enough to share a whole lot of their work here. A lifelong learner and teacher, Bob created this group to serve as a safe space for inspiration, critique, and workshop. The exercises he introduced delved into form, theme, and voice, the protocols he established allowed the group to continue after his declining health forced him to step away. His words, manner, and presence influenced the Albright Poets, but also countless others who read his words in various forums over the years. I had the great good fortune to meet Bob with his amazing group a few years back and I was impressed by his graceful charm, editor’s acuity, and force of character. To honor Bob, I am posting my favorite of his poems; it was the last one he submitted here. I encourage you to read his other poems that have appeared here and his blog, which I hope remains open and available to all. The first poem you see there, I Found a Poem on My Plate, is my second favorite of his. I hope it, and this, and Bob’s legacy in all its facets, resonates with you as much as it does with me. Please use the comments at this post to share your memories and tributes to our dear friend and fellow writer, Bob Christin.  

Honoring Bob Christin
The Words and The Music

(originally published as part of Contributor Series 7: The Confessional Diary of Bone (December 2010)

When the pain
in my worn
body is
poems sing
to that hurt
send music
to aching 
bones, vibrate
in marrow,
in veins and
Blues shifting
into rich
airy blood.
The words heal
become flesh.

6 Responses to “Honoring Bob Christin: The Words and The Music”

  1. My condolences, Annmarie. The poem is a poignant statement and resonates with deep emotion in its simplicity.

  2. Jean says:

    Rest in Joy, our friend, our mentor.

    Jean, a charter member of the Albright Poets.

  3. Sharon Poch says:

    Annmarie, thank you for honoring Bob. He was my teacher, my mentor, my beloved friend. People come into our lives and bring with them a new world we never knew existed. Bob gave us a love for the written word, a love for our fellows, and a new dimension in humanity. I am forever changed.

  4. Sharon, this was a beautiful tribute. I’m sure he would be pleased.

  5. I was so moved by to Bob, that I shared it on Facebook. I never met the gentleman, but I know many of my writing friends loved him and his work.

  6. bobbietroy says:

    What a lovely tribute, Annmarie. This poem speaks to me personally. The power of poetry has seen me through much pain in the past three years; it is definitely a healer.

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