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The Inventors of Chess

04.23.17 Posted in today's words by

Barbara van der Vossen’s most recent poem to appear here was “Think of Something Beautiful” (March 2017)

The Inventors of Chess
By Barbara van der Vossen

The inventors of chess
were on to so many things.

The ruthless Queen conquers
slays and lays her life down
for a stagnant frozen King
before he’ll offer up his crown.

The Knight in all his winged pride
canters corners in great stealth
yet is often quickly sacrificed
for a trudging turret or crooked miter.

When the Rook’s castle walls close in
and the Bishop looms and frowns
no one cares about the Pawns
that shuffle-step between the worthy.

Yet they are the only ones who can
with quiet fortitude retrieve the royal lady
at least to stave off loss a moment more
and sometimes to great victory.

One Response to “The Inventors of Chess”

  1. Very nice, Barbara–some good phrases here.

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