It's just poetry, it won't bite

Jewel Toned Memories

12.22.12 Posted in today's words by

Phyllis Johnson’s most recent poem to appear here was Jewelry Box Magic, published as part of Contributor Series 10: Silken Rags in December 2011.

Jewel Toned Memories
By Phyllis Johnson

Necklaces hanging

like so many stars,

each one
with its own history.
Resting her hand
on a pearl strand,
she remembered
his lips
on her neck.
Sighing, her eyes
moved to her
ankle bracelet,
now tarnished,
a memory of
him sucking her toes–
The diamond ring
sitting in blue velvet
spoke of the 
they once knew.

One Response to “Jewel Toned Memories”

  1. I read this poignant poem three times. So many men and women will be touched by this.

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