It's just poetry, it won't bite

Kaleidoscope Hearts

12.17.13 Posted in today's words by

Paula Ray wrote this poem.

Kaleidoscope Hearts
By Paula Ray

The mind will go for a walk across galaxies
One star-studded sentence at a time
The darkness between one beam of light
And something moving in the distance
Freedom, curiosity, openness
A cup waiting to be filled with
Reflective particles that beckon
A closer look
A journey
A willingness to move beyond
While carrying a collective past
Somehow a weightless anchor
Tethered to self
Without judgment
Without expectation
A voice speaking a language
Only understood by an individual
A message with the ability to transform
And adapt
To heal and question
To unearth the dead
And prove a soul remains alive
As long as another reaches out to it
This is poetry


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