It's just poetry, it won't bite

Not lace—a saucer

08.16.16 Posted in today's words by

Simon Perchik’s most recent poem to appear here was “These windows know all about lakes” (July 2016) 

Not lace—a saucer
and this table spreading out
overflows the way stars

are cooled, made feeble
need to be lifted from under
as if any rim kept shallow

would spiral down
let you enter the turn
at floodstage and shoreline

—Simon a lens! and its stench
brings your mouth closer
can be seen opening

covering your face, sealing it
with this small dish: a distant sore
coming unraveled, leaves nothing

to chance, expects your lips to go in
kiss it, drink it, stretch it
enough to reach its skim and heal.

One Response to “Not lace—a saucer”

  1. Charlene james says:

    Sorry but truly don’t understand this one

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