It's just poetry, it won't bite

Little Sister

05.18.13 Posted in today's words by

Lisa Vipperman teaches language arts and reading in Utah. This is her first published poem, and it is based on the real-life battle with cancer her sister Janet is now fighting.

Little Sister
By Lisa Vipperman

Mama said you were not a doll.
But you looked like one: tufts of blonde hair
lashes and fingers and toes like those on my baby doll.
I was only five.

You fought from the start:
two months early, at three pounds, you were the bigger twin.
Growing up you seemed so tough,
standing up to our three-year-old brother,
pulling his hair when he tried to take your toy,
holding your ground against the neighborhood bullies,
keeping your twin safe.

You’re still fighting, just a different bully now.
You who swam, biked, hiked, skateboarded,
drive a car that announces “handicapped,”
need a walker to go a block.
Your long blonde hair, lashes, and nails are gone.

You’re still fighting
but I can see what it takes out of you.
The cancer is everywhere.
Winning means keep fighting for as long as you can.

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