It's just poetry, it won't bite

Mingled Purposes

04.22.12 Posted in today's words by

Bobbie Troy’s most recent poem to appear here was She: In Depression (March 2012). 

Mingled Purposes
By Bobbie Troy

in the chaos
of mingled purposes
we try
to make tragedy ephemeral
or even nonexistent
we try to place the sun
where we want it to shine

but yet we endeavor
to sift through the chaos
to find that one bit of truth,
validity, reason, or love
that will make it all worthwhile
in the end.

7 Responses to “Mingled Purposes”

  1. I love the sense of the last verse.

  2. Lynn Arroyo says:

    Very true and very optimistic. We usually try to see the glass as half full rather than half empty.

  3. Dee Ann Smith says:

    Right to the heart of it, as always.

  4. Sol B Troy says:


  5. bobbie troy says:

    Thank you, everyone!!

  6. Pat says:

    Just discovered this wonderful poem. It’s beautiful, optimistic and rings true.

  7. bobbie troy says:

    Thanks, Pat! Hope all is well in Santa Fe!

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