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Ode to Bob Christin

09.23.11 Posted in today's words by

R Martin Basden’s most recent poem to appear here was Blanket Down (June 2010). This poem is a tribute to Robert Christin, founder of The Albright Poets. Bob’s most recent poem to appear here was The Words and the Music, published as part of Contributor Series 7: The Confessional Diary of Bone.

Ode to Bob Christin
By R Martin Basden

One can’t presume to know
how gratitude is worn by another.
Some feel comfortable slipping into it as a cardigan on days when bluster swipes
like cold criticism on the shoulders,
or as a cherished bracelet sure to elicit compliment
and the chance to crow about its giver.
Perhaps a special hat
jaunty, rakish, with a feather, will serve.
Whatever the accoutrement, 
it will be both reminder and symbol
of the grace you shared with everyone.

I’ll wear mine for you like a pair of favorite socks.
Every day, with both feet, remembering your encouragement,
the way you find the germ of life
in dry colorless arrangements of words,
and set a hybrid upon the mantle
above your fireplace.

3 Responses to “Ode to Bob Christin”

  1. bobbie troy says:

    What a lovely tribute. Well done. Bob must be a very special person.

  2. Marty, this is a beautiful tribute.

  3. Shaeon Poch says:

    Marty,a lovely ode to a lovely man. I am honored to know you both.

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