It's just poetry, it won't bite

Old Age

06.20.13 Posted in today's words by

Bobbie Troy’s most recent poem to appear here was Corporations (May 2013).

Old Age
By Bobbie Troy

old age
descends upon us
like a rock band
out of tune

we fumble
through the discord
to find frailties
waiting to assault us
on the other side

and as we go
we mutter strands
of incomprehensible discourse
that are occasionally spotted
with pearls of wisdom

we look back
more than we look forward
and that is, perhaps
our biggest mistake

9 Responses to “Old Age”

  1. Maureen says:

    Bobbie has really captured the essence of old age.

  2. Christopher Roe says:

    Another great poem, Bobbie. But you can’t be that old.

  3. Evelyn says:

    Nice job. I especially like the idea of looking forward in life instead of back.

  4. Sol says:

    oi vey, tell me about it!

  5. Fran Cecere says:

    I really enjoyed this poem. My initial thought was that I remember seeing my parents in this poem, but as I thought about it more, I realized I am now there. Bobbie deftly included music in the description and we can all relate to that. I also thought the use of frailties and fumble together was a good use of alliteration and reality. I only hope that,since I am in my old age, I have more pearls of wisdom than incomprehensible discourse, and that I can stop looking back. However my past is much longer than my future will be.

    This is a very well thought out poem. No signs of senility in that discourse.

  6. Claire says:

    I really liked this. The ending was unexpected and imparted a positive hopeful sense.

  7. bobbietroy says:

    Wow, thank you everyone! I guess I really hit the nail on the head. And yes, Christopher, I am that old (66, but who is counting?)!

  8. Jim says:

    Great insight. I know I am “guilty” as charged.
    Great work!!

  9. Although you didn’t know it you’ve given me hope with this poem. I must look forward.Thanks for your pearls of wisdom.

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