It's just poetry, it won't bite

Peaceful Child

03.01.18 Posted in today's words by

Josh Seymour’s most recent poem to appear here was “Behemoth” (November 2017)

Peaceful Child
By Josh Seymour

I walk into your new room
where you are still sleeping and
I can’t help but to smile and play
with your perfectly combed hair.
I whisper in your ear that it is
time to wake up because your
family is here to see you, but
they grab me and tell me to just
let you rest. They all come hug
me and tell me how lucky I am to
be the mother of such a wonderful
child. They smile and talk about all
the memories they have involving
you and I just know how much they
love you. It’s getting late now and a
man comes into your room to tell
me it’s time to go. He says he has
dug the hole and placed your stone.
He goes to pick you up and I beg him
to put you back down. A child needs
their rest after all. Sleep on my
peaceful child. Mother will be with
you again very soon.

One Response to “Peaceful Child”

  1. Bobbie Troy says:

    Wow, very powerful.

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