It's just poetry, it won't bite


03.11.10 Posted in today's words by

native Katrina K Guarascio currently resides in Albuquerque NM, where
she teaches high school English. She is largely inspired by the
individual and the human experience and is constantly attempting to
capture a persona in poetry. She is the author of two chapbooks and a
recent full-length book titled
A Scattering of Imperfections. Fan her on Facebook to keep up with her news. Every now and then a poet writes a credo for her tribe. Read this and find your place on the plains.

By Katrina K Guarascio

We are not songbirds;
we are the wild mustangs,
the feral beasts
who thundered across the open.
We beat our passion
with untamed hooves
and scream our songs
like trumpets.
Leaving behind broken
larkspur and hoof prints
in the mountain mud.
We do not embrace,
but find familiarity
in our propinquity and
the gentle rubbing of noses.

2 Responses to “Poets”

  1. Ray Sharp says:

    Tiis poem made me reach for a dictionary, and made me glad I did.
    The metaphor is perfect, and it carries us at a gallop to the last lines.

  2. Jessie Carty says:

    oh i love these images together for poets and now i will go rub some noses with them 🙂

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