It's just poetry, it won't bite


11.17.13 Posted in today's words by

Scott Owens on perfection.

By Scott Owens

Having seen the transformation of one
rundown furniture plant into expensive
restaurant, brewery, boutique shops
for clothes and frozen yogurt, and noticing
the ongoing cleaning out of another,
and knowing it had already happened with my life,
education and divorce and writing
redeeming what had once been worthless,
I couldn’t help but wonder how much
could be achieved with any body
nearly worn out, teeth straightened
with Invisalign, eyes fixed by laser,
gut restored with probiotics,
foot pain eliminated by the Strassburg Sock,

but then even after rejuvenation,
even among the young, it’s not always
pretty, not always full of grace,
the crude, oil-stained nuts and bolts
of life, the unphotogenic face,
a bad day that keeps getting worse,
walls that don’t line up, some bricks
uneven, some not quite the right size,
and that’s what the mortar’s for,
the gray areas of tolerance,
forgiveness, understanding,
empathetic appreciation of things
being left imperfect, only as good
as we can stand to make them be.


4 Responses to “Reclamation”

  1. Jean says:

    Scott, LOVE this poem.

  2. Kay Middleton says:

    That’s what the mortar is for – indeed! Good work here.

  3. This poem sings. Goes right to the soul, Scott.

  4. Glenda says:

    So true, Scott. I like the metaphor in this poem.

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