It's just poetry, it won't bite

Reflections on the Virus

04.23.20 Posted in today's words by

Ruth Gooley’s most recent poem to appear here was “Night Owl” (March 2020).

Reflections on the Virus
By Ruth Gooley

A cone hangs
from a wire
under an eave,
mama hummingbird,

quiet as a breath,
jostles her eggs,
turns them,
trances, wakes,

darts off for
a fly or
a speck of insect
nectar, does not

mind me
as I sweep
up leaves,
drizzle water

onto the red glare
of a kalanchoe,
the droop of a
string of pearls,

the pink blast
of geraniums,
the air so clean
after a late rain,

the patio my limit,
the virus afloat,
my nest in peril,
my flight curtailed.

2 Responses to “Reflections on the Virus”

  1. Ken Clason says:

    Thank you for another lovely poem Ruth!

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